Monday, December 26, 2011

100 Things

Either last year or the year before, I saw a challenge going around either Facebook or the blog world to get rid of 100 things. It could be throwing things away, giving them away, whatever you choice. The point was just to declutter a little. I wanted to do it but never got around it. This year I am determined to make it. So far I got rid of a shirt I never wear, several dried up nail polishes, and several pair of "silly" socks that I don't wear. I'm only counting that as three. So 3 down, 97 to go. We'll see what all I find that either is trash or could find a better home somewhere else.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Simple Prayer

While reading one of Abigail's childrens' Bibles the other day I ran across this short prayer.
Dear God,
Please help me remember that you're always there. Help me know that you'll always care. When I have to do things I think are hard, help me to keep trying, keep me going Lord. Amen

What a profound prayer found in a children's book. The day I read it, those were words I needed to hear in my heart of hearts. Life with two children has been challenging. I love my girls so much. Learning to take care of them together has been tough at times. Sleep doesn't happen as much as I would like here in this house. I have been tired. Caroline refuses to take a bottle. These are just a couple of my new adventures. I desperately needed to be reminded how much God cares. He's ALWAYS here and he AlWAYS cares. God wants to help me through my daily trials not just the "big" things. This little prayer was just the reminder I needed about how much my Father loves me. He cares about me and everything in my life. Thank you Lord for loving me.