Monday, December 20, 2010

I was Reminded

Yesterday Abigail woke up in a MOOD. She was grumpy, fussy, and unpleasant. She yelled all the way to church. We kept going even though we weren't sure we would be staying once we got there. By the time we got to church, we ready to sell the sweet darling on EBAY. She was already wearing us out in just a short time. She was still wild during church adn had to go to the nursery earlier than usual. After lunch I put her straight down hoping a nap would cheer her up.

While she was down, I read a blog that I recently stumbled upon about a family who lost a daughter to ancephaly a couple weeks ago. Since the 20th week of pregnancy they had know their child would only live for a few minutes or hours. I have read this blog and cried and prayed for this family. Yesterday, I thought of their pain as I had been complaining about my child. Oh how blessed I am to have her here with me where she can whine, and cry and drive me crazy. I was reminded to be blessed and cherish every moment with my daughter, even the wild ones.

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