Tuesday, April 20, 2010

First Time In Sunday School

This past Sunday we finally decided it was time to take Abigail to her own Bible class. Since I am away from Abigail so much during the week, it's been hard for me to let go and not hold on to her during that that hour on Sunday morning. I'm trying to squeeze as much mommy daughter time into every weekend that I can. For the sake of our entire Bible class, it was time. Abigail is no longer good at sitting still and snuggling. She wants to talk and move and be free. Her Nana also happens to be teaching her class right now, so that kept Abigail from being nervous about being left. She was the only baby in her class this week, but I am praying that as the years go by, we will grow as a church family, and by the time she needs a strong youth group, one will be there. In the background of some of the pictures is her Aunt Bethany and Cousin Camille who will join Abigail in class in a few months.

I think they were talking about how God make our eyes. It was too cute not to share.
Looking at the Bible, I hope that as she grows she will continue to be interested in studying and exploring this book.

Chewing on the Bible.
Giving Mommy and Daddy a smile to say Bye before we left her.

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